IT’S SAFE TO say that Russell Crowe is one of the last people you’d expect to watch TV3′s The Tonight Show. But, stranger things have happened.
This morning he shared a clip from the show to his Twitter account, which shows Anton Savage addressing David Quinn’s insistence on continually mentioning the fact that more men work in the construction industry than women.
Russell shared his amusement upon watching the clip and said “The lad is on a roll.”
At the start of the clip, David can be heard saying:
It’s still overwhelmingly men who are responsible for the built environment. Why can’t we say that? Say it’s a good thing, and accept it.
Anton promptly responded:
I’ll explain. If you were to take a plane, 25% built by women, and fly to Manhattan for instance and stride out into Times Square and say “Isn’t this amazing? Skyscrapers, subway, Central Park, Park Avenue, all built by white people. Aren’t white people great? People would say, hang on a minute. That is deliberately exclusionary, reactionary and ignores the fact that you disenfranchised all other races for a millennium.
The same is true in Ireland.
If the video won’t play, click here.
Savage continued:
You picked the only industry bar mineral oil extraction and logging that women no longer have any role in and used that as your selection to praise men. Why didn’t you use medicine, pharmaceuticals, veterinary science? Why didn’t you use any of those where there is a representation of women?
Quinn responded by saying that Anton had clearly rehearsed his response. Anton’s reply?
Well, I gave it some thought. Unlike you.
Some of Russell Crowe’s followers reacted to the video after the actor shared it.
Including this woman, who deserves her own round of applause:
If you’re still convinced that women choose not to work in certain industries like mining and rubbish disposal, you can read about the reality of the gender disparity in those industries here.